How long will it take for my order to be delivered?
- When you initially place your order, it will be transferred for process. This process would take 1-3 days.
- Immediately following the processing, your order will be ready to be shipped out. At that time, we will send you the tracking number via the email that you gave to us when placing your order.
Delivery time will take up to 7 business days.
* Please Note: During holidays and within the United States if delivery is delayed, your delivery could take up to 12 business days, slightly longer than usual.
Feel free to contact us after this period has passed and you have not received your delivery.
How can I track my orders?
Once we have shipped your order out, an email notification will be sent to the email address you used when placing your order.
From this email, you can view your order details as well as view the tracking code.
To Track your order simply take the tracking number provided and paste it into Humble households tracking app (https://humblehousehold.com/pages/track-my-shipment)
Is my Credit Card Information safe?
This shop is hosted on Shopify Inc. and provided with an online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you in a safe manner.
All personal data is stored through Shopify database as well as the general Shopify application. Shopify stores data on a secure server behind a firewall.
For more insight, you may also want to read Shopify’s Terms of Service (https://www.shopify.com/legal/terms) or Privacy Statement (https://www.shopify.com/legal/privacy).
What if I receive an item that is either damaged or defective?
If you received a defective/damaged item, please kindly contact us by sending an email to info@mericanix.com,. Please express your issue with the product and include photos/videos if possible to show the problem.
Once verified, we can offer 2 options:
1-We will send a replacement
2 – Return product for a full refund
Still need help?
Feel free to contact us at info@mericanix.com